Join Tim and LeeAnna for Alchemy... the podcast from Effigy Press where we shamelessly embrace the delightful chaos of life. Whether you're a fiction writer desperately trying to pull your craft out of the gutter, or just someone who enjoys watching the world spin out of control and needs some new, bizarre fodder for your next cocktail party thought-starter, we’ve got you covered.
Today, our podcasters have a riot with Quantum Entanglement—because nothing says 'good times' like spooky science that makes your brain want to explode. Writers, get ready for a cartload of wild, mind-melting ideas. Non-writers, stick around anyway—it’s about to get weird.
Official podcast name: "Alchemy... from Effigy Press" (don't forget the ellipsis, folks)
Of course, as with all our podcasts, we’ve spared you the unsolicited ads for 'that thing' that, let's just say, tends to happen when your ‘manhood’ goes on an extended vacation. You’re welcome—because we care about your dignity (and your, ahem, pride). And if one of those ads slips through, I swear we didn’t approve it. Just blame it on the algorithm’s apparent obsession with rejuvenation.
Intro music: brighter days by Oliver Massa - License code: S4QNBRVN0S5MTNW4 music: nightdrive by mood-maze - License code: OGGKCMVJLUMOBW5P Or,