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Writer's Prompts | Just Soooo Attractive

Effigy Press Admin

In the Podcast “Just Soooo Attractive” Tim and LeeAnna talked about how characters that are morally good can still be attractive… it’s all about the inclination to be good battling the inclination to be, well, evil (or at least nasty, self-centered and so on.)

Which brings a fresh challenge for you writers. The prompt: Keep it under 600 words.

Your main character walks into a room full of people – a cocktail party or a seminar or an AA meeting. Everyone stops talking to stare at this person. What does your main character say to that group that's will let us know as a reader that this is an attractive character that we're going to want to spend time with (again as a reader)?

Write whatever inspires you—just make sure it’s under 600 words. Pop it over to us through the submissions page. Who knows, maybe we'll even feature it on the podcast. Extra credit if you can draw in the notion of a “dry drunk” (from the podcast ‘Memory and Self-Identity.’)

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