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Writer's Prompts | Moral Dread: When Demons Deliver Life Lessons

Effigy Press Admin
Writer's Prompts: Tim and LeeAnna's Demonic Challenge

Alright, writers, time to get your pens ready and your demons, uh, ready. After all, if you can’t create a terrifying, mind-bending demon, are you even really a writer? (Spoiler: probably not.)

Prompt One: Build Your Own Demon—Then Ruin Their Life

Take your best shot at creating your very own supernatural or sacral demon. Don’t get bogged down with horns and fire. Focus on the real horror: the underlying fear. What’s that delicious little thread of moral dread that your demon is going to tug on? How do they ruin their victim’s life without even breaking a sweat? Once you’ve got your demon, flip the script—turn them human (if you dare). Is the human version just as terrifying? Or is it even worse?

Prompt Two: The Moment of Evil

Now, let’s get to the real fun: the moment when the demon asserts its power. Think classic possession—except the demon’s playing it cool, using charm and manipulation to get the job done. What are the words they say? What do they promise? “It’ll be okay, I’ll take care of you.” Sure you will. Just underneath that soothing voice, pure evil is grinding away at their victim. Write it. Make it deliciously terrifying.

No More Than 600 Words. No Excuses.

We’re not here for a novella. Keep it under 600 words. Once you’re done, send it over to us at If it’s really spine-chilling, we might just read it out on the podcast. Because who doesn’t want to hear their demons come to life?

So c’mon, roll out the evil characters for us, and extra points if your scene somehow includes someone hunting for their lost vehicle in a DC parking lot.


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