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Writer's Prompts | The Wild Ride of Unexpected History

Effigy Press Admin

In the Podcast “The Wild Ride of Unexpected History” Tim and LeeAnna talked about how history is so insanely unexpected.

Tim has a piping hot new challenge for you writers. The prompt is, as ever, simple: Keep it under 600 words.

How about the most unexpected event. Something neither you nor one of your characters would've anticipated. Maybe the most unexpected event you can think of in history. Write a scene from that. It's someone observing. It's someone participating in it.

Or, this is kind of fun, write a comedic 600 words on the Deus Ex Machine going wrong sometime back in ancient Greece (see link here). Imagine one of the five guys holding up the Deus farts loudly and they all start laughing and the Deus is like 40 foot up in the air and it starts to get really wobbly and dangerous.

Pop it over to us through the submissions page. Who knows, maybe we'll even feature it on the podcast. Try to supersize it by including some horrifying onstage injury to the Deus.


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